The mini-concert on Dec. 7 was a true success. We were blessed with a full house of mostly new people, some old friends and various organizers. We had 1 empty chair, due to an unexpectedly high number of last-minute cancellations. Total of 25 people in our small venue. Everybody who requested to attend was fit in comfortably.
See attached, 2 relevant photos. Further below you can find the mostly-unedited version of the audience comments.

What did you like most about the music?
I enjoyed everything about the music – especially the sounds of the electric guitar, the voices “a l’unisson” making the sound vibration very warm and soft; the Bengali language is wonderful to listen to.
I love the atmosphere, the calmness, the harmonie, the beauty, the message, the peace that it brings.
Very relaxing.
Melodic and peaceful.
It was lengthy, it gave me time to focus, to fail, and get back trying.
Its harmony and it makes the senses fly.
Good, perfect for meditation.
Its peaceful and uplifting quality.
How would you summarize the experience?
Centering, heart opening, meditative.
I love it, moment de deep connexion avec moi meme! Introspection, spirituality, priere.
My kind of show.
Very pleasant.
A gift!
Very interesting and well organized.
Peaceful, calm and relaxing.
The music facilitated my journey within. It reminded me that art is the expression of Divine Beauty.
Any other comments?
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful music and voices. Suggestion (if it applies): I would add some drumming.
I love the concert, I loved the one at Lionel Groulx in December 2023, I would love to see again in a big place, plus time de spectacle, Merci et Felicitations!
Thank you.
Thank all of you for all. (heart-emoji)
It’s very enjoyable that everything is free = I do not feel anyone is trying to get money out of me.
Thanks very much and I would like to participate again.
Thank you for your service and support. Good experience.
Very grateful for having been invited to this meditation evening.