I have finally revised my book on simple meditation techniques I wrote in 1992! It has the same tried and true easy techniques for concentration, visualization, breathing and meditation,as well as updated links to literature and music by Sri Chinmoy and members of the worldwide meditation Centres It’s available on KIndle or as a soft cover. It’s a great way to prepare for the meditation classes until one becomes available and a great way to keep up the practices learned in the classes!
Assisting your meditation
Activities or suggestions which may assist your meditation(s).

Free Montreal Concert
Saturday December 7th at 6pm, we plan to offer a mini-concert of meditative music featuring… »
Happiness Poems / Poèmes sur le Thème du Bonheur
Poems on Happiness by Sri Chinmoy/Poesie sur la theme de bonheur 1.Nothing delights our… »
Meditation and Art
Meditation and Art by Sonia Roseval My experience with art and meditation runs parallel. The… »